Monday, October 16, 2006

10 Most Expensive Paintings Ever Sold

1. $135 million Adele Bloch-Bauer I, Gutav Klimt 2006
2. $104 million Boy with a Pipe, Pablo Picasso 2004
3. $95.2 million Dora Maar with Cat, Pablo Picasso 2006
4. $82.5 million Portrait du Dr Gachet, Vincent van Gogh 1990
5. $78.1 million Au Moulin de la Galette, Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1990
6. $76.7 million The Massacre of the Innocents, Paul Rubens 2002
7. $71.5 million Portrait de L'Artiste sans Barbe, Vincent van Gogh 1998
8. $60.5 million Rideau, Cruchonet Compotier, Paul Cezanna 1999
9. $55 million Femme aux Brax Croises, PAblo Picasso 2000
10. $53.9 million Irises, Vincent van Gogh 1987


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